Student Services
Student Support Services
Students taking courses online, have access to the usual and expected range of student support programs and services that are consistent with the institution’s mission, and that are intended to promote student learning and enhance student development.

Student support services available to online students include: (a) remote access to library and information resources; (b) academic support via both synchronous and/or asynchronous interaction and feedback between the instructor and members of the class that includes such methods as chat rooms, discussion boards, assignment feedback, and email communication as appropriate to the design and content of a particular course; (c) academic advising; (d) technology support services appropriate to the particular course or program of study; (e) career services; (f) tutoring; and (g) access to discipline-focused clubs, organizations and honor societies (for online students enrolled in degree programs).
Faculty/Student Interaction
Faculty/Student interaction occurs throughout each course, and in both synchronous and asynchronous modes, as appropriate to individual courses. Feedback and interaction between the instructor and members of the class varies from course to course and includes such methods as: chat rooms, discussion boards, assignment feedback, and email communication as appropriate to the design and content of individual courses.
Complaints and Appeals
Online students who wish to file a complaint including but not limited to an allegation of discrimination or improper behavior, or to file an appeal of a decision related to an online course, should contact: Toni Forrest at [email protected].
Students will find additional information related to the filing of complaints or appeals in the academic Catalog. The academic Catalogs are published on the respective Florida and North Carolina campus web sites (